Pump Loans
OBS has a small number of Ameda Lactaline personal double electric breast pumps that can be borrowed for a maximum of 3 weeks, in cases of urgent clinical need ONLY.
If you are still under the care of a midwife, please ask your midwifery team about borrowing a pump from them first.
The Oxfordshire Health Visiting Service also has pumps that can be loaned out at no charge to parents who need support or who are working on increasing their supply.
Pumps can also be commercially hired from the providers below. This list is not exhaustive and OBS has no relationship with these providers.
Pumps will normally only be loaned to those who have used our services or who have been referred to us. If you need feeding support, or are not sure whether you need to express your milk, you can book a slot in our in-person sessions or book a video and phone breastfeeding support. Please see the Our Services section of our website to see a full list of how you can access help.
OBS pump hire costs £15 for the first week and £5 per week for the second and third week. If this is not affordable for you, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We have kept our hire cost the same for many years and in Spring 2024 increased the amount for the first week only.
We ask that pumps are borrowed for a maximum of three weeks; if kept for longer than this, the hire charge will be £20 a week up until six weeks. If a pump is not returned within six weeks, then the borrower will be responsible for the cost of a new replacement pump of the same model, in addition to the usual cost of pump loan. (Cost at 13.10.18: £129.99)
Oxfordshire Breastfeeding Support is a charity and receives no statutory or health funding. Our pump loan prices are set to ensure that we are covering the costs of running the pump loan service. If you would like to donate to help protect and support our service, see our list of ways to donate.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions you may have.
Additional information - Pump Kits
For environmental reasons, and to keep the cost of pump loan as low as possible, we are supplying used kits with OBS pumps.
We have cleaned the silicone parts (diaphragm and valve) by boiling, in accordance with the supplier's instructions. The hard plastic parts (flange and collecting bottle) have been washed in hot, soapy water..
If you prefer to buy your own new pump kits, you can easily do so online. The item you want is "Ameda Lactaline Hygienikit", e.g. from Amazon. If you want to pump both breasts at once, remember that you will need two! Note that brand new kits are not guaranteed sterile - you will still need to wash and sterilise before you use it for the first time.
Pumping should not hurt or damage your breasts! You can get different sized flanges (the part that goes on the breast). The standard size is 25mm. If your nipple is rubbed during pumping, you may need a larger size. We can provide these, or you can buy your own, e.g. from Amazon. Please also see this article on pump fit.
Breast Pump Cleaning Instructions
WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU STERILISE ALL WASHABLE PARTS BEFORE YOU USE THE PUMP FOR THE FIRST TIME. We can provide a cold water sterilising tablet or a microwave sterilising bag with the pump, if you don't have your own sterilising facilities at home. You can download these cleaning instructions to print at home.
After each use:
1. Remove the tubing (and cap) from the kit; these do not need to be washed.
2. Dismantle the pump kit completely.
3. Carefully and thoroughly wash all parts of the kit in hot soapy water (or in a dishwasher). The small white valve tears easily, so it is important to wash it carefully.
4. Rinse thoroughly with running water and place each part on the upturned lid of the container prior to drying.
5. Dry the kit and the lid of the container on a paper towel or kitchen paper – not on a tea towel or cloth.
6. Place the kit in the clean, dry container and cover with the lid.
Before each use:
1. Remove the lid of the container.
2. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling / assembling the pump kit.
Once a day:
Wash the container in hot soapy water, rinse and dry on a paper towel. You do not need to sterilise your kits, or any bottles/teats used that are used solely for your expressed milk. You may choose to sterilise if your baby is premature, unwell or has an underlying health issue. If you have any concerns about hygiene requirements for your baby, please check with your midwife or health visiting team.
Before retuning the pump to OBS:
Please wash all parts thoroughly, as you would after every use.
Extra information about pumping
We highly recommend watching this short video about maximising milk production with hands-on pumping before using the pump for the first time.
Information about expressing breastmilk.
Our own guide to increasing your milk supply
Guidelines for storing human milk
Information and tips for bottle-feeding a breastfed baby
Free relaxation audio track to listen to while pumping
Pump Manual
Ameda Lactaline Pump Manual(External Site)